Friday, December 19, 2008

How did you spend your snow day?

Around 7am the snowflakes began to fall resulting in another SNOW DAY!!. The girls and I made 9 different kinds of cookies, 2-3 dozen cookies each batch. It's a lot of cookies lol The house smells soooo good. This is the girls working on cookies.

I think there is 9 inches of snow out there. Also today my hair dresser called, she had some openings and wanted to know if I wanted to get a perm LOL

in the middle of a storm I jumped into the truck and got my hair and nails done.

I feel like a new women.



Jen said...

We had a snowday here too.. even though we homeschool. lol. I spent the day finishing my quilt! I am so happy. I can't wait to start another. Fun fun!


Myra said...

Good for your girls! Our children started doing all the Christmas baking about 5 years ago. Works for me! 8-)
What a woman, braving the storm for hair and nails! lol! All set for Christmas now! 8-)
We didn't have a storm up here, but we did get about 5-6 inches of snow, and it is still lightly snowing...
Happy stitchings!